Discover your Genius.
Leverage it in the business.
Every day.

Gap International


© 2017 Gap International, Inc.


Practical application

 A unique digital program designed to change you and your business over the course of a year.

The Genius Methodology

Genius isn’t something you are, it’s something you have. Everybody has Genius.

You and the people you work with have delivered brilliant results. Those results are connected to the Genius particular to each person in the organization. Uncovering your Genius allows you to leverage it in the business for exceptional outcomes.

Everyone has their own unique Genius. When you discover it, you can use it.


The Foundation

Discovering your Genius starts with Leveraging Genius Online, an immersive program of self-study that has people uncover the real roots of their very best performance.

Videos and articles provoke your thinking with a leading-edge point of view about performance, and maximizing Genius.

Interactive exercises guide you to uncover and study your Genius.

Decode your Genius

Backed by 15 years of research, Leveraging Genius Online guides you to open up new pathways and solutions for you and your business.

Apply it to your business needs

With Leveraging Genius Online, you’ll not only uncover Genius and address business challenges, you’ll be set up to take on a year of brilliance ahead.

Build the habit of tapping into Genius and applying it to your business. This daily practice is the essential core of the program; delivering ways to impact the business, every day, on your mobile device.


The Practice

Get best practices, perspectives, and challenges from experts.

Consultants in
your pocket

An opportunity to leverage each other’s Genius to make a difference in life, in work and in the world.

Conversations with a community of leaders

Over the course of a year, the fun and fast learning modules of Genius Every Day prompt you to practice using Genius thinking in your day-to-day work.

The Impact

Elevate your leadership with a greater awareness of your unique Genius—that has you perform brilliantly.

Be at your best more of the time, and find new ways to operationalize that in your business.

Repeat your most exceptional level of results by uncovering Genius and using it in many different areas.

Genius Every Day


For a demonstration, or for more information, contact us.


Discover your Genius. Leverage it in the business. Every day.